Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Getting Started

First time. Like ya cannot tell that. Oh well, one must start somewhere and this is my somewhere.
Briggs fam dam is me, my hubby, Chris and daughter, the Princess Caitlin. Yes she is a princess, she is also a monkey, climbs all over, bouncing around and just plain monkeying around. Since she is an only you could say spoiled, I say probably, but then after 14yrs waiting for her arrival, its a given. Perhaps not smart but its a given.
We also have 10 cows,, 1 bull, yes moo. 2 horses, 1 poa, 1 donkey or burro, 3 dogs all labs(including one silver-registered as a brown) 2 cats that do not like each other in the least. One is a kitten that showed up on our doorstep on our daughters birthday last year, like we could get rid of that one-KitCat. The other is Miss Kitty, the very typical humans are lower than cats, cat. Although suddenly she has become this I want attention and in your face cat. During winter she usually is allowed in the house during the night. However, when she starting thinking she could sleep on our bed she is no longer in the house. For years she has come in the house and found a nice quiet corner and slept, places like closets etc. But when she started the lay on your chest thing, it was over for indoor. Although she will come in during the day and sleep in the chair.
We used to have two goats, they were fun. Ate the weeds. Now our neighbors have them. They no longer eat weeds, they are spoiled.
The cows are on pasture for the summer. We are not running them on the forest range this year, thank heavens. Much easier. Not cheaper but easier and less worry. No bears and wolves to worry about at least not as much. Hopefully it will work out and the pasture will not dry out, burn up, etc.
Tonight is last night for baseball. Its machine pitch and I don't like it. The kids went from t-ball to machine pitch, there should have been a coach pitch before the machine. But tonight is the last night so oh well. Glad for that actually.
Making plans for the 4th of July. Lots a famdamly in town, lunch for about 35 on the 5th. Having bbq and mexican. Doesn't that seem like the ideal combo, okay not really but that should cover all tastes, and for the non picky - nice buffet! Not cooking it all, not hardly any of it. Since the kitchen remodel is on hold until the countertops are put in, its call the local bbq place, Bubbas and order chicken and brisket and some sides. Then a friends aunt is making a couple of trays of enchiladas for us (she has one of those busses that she parks and sells mexican food). So with some fruit salad and green salad, chips, chips and salsa, I think we have it covered. Always worried about not having enough food. Working on the dessert this week. Made Apple Pie cake last night. Going to put it in cups with cinnamon graham crackers on the bottom, the the cake, then some carmel sauce and whipped cream. Also making a Root Beer float cake, so will bring both those to work tomorrow for a tasting.
Well that's a good intro.